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Personalized Gift Shoppe Free Personalization Free Shipping Orders $150.0+
Engraved Rosewood Desk Pen Set With Clock Cardholder


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2747C   |   8.0" x 4.0"
$236.99   $189.5
This lovely Two Pen Desk Clock with Business Card Holder is made from genuine rosewood and is a superb addition to anyone's office or home desk. This makes a great gift for the man in your life or the woman who is a true day to day professional. PERSONALIZATION: No character limit. Text is engraved in black on a silver plate.
How Many?   
Each item can be personalized differently!

Line 1
Line 2
Important Message
Please see personalization details in the item description above, as some have a max limit to the number of characters allowed per line - a space is considered a character.

We personalize exactly what you type in - Please double check!

Our Promise: your custom item will be personalized in the font style, font size, and font color as seen in the item picture above  (each line's font will match the item picture with your personalization)  and will look great!

Special Instructions
Please use this area to enter any special instructions we may need to complete your order.
We do not do proofs for this item, double check your personalization!